When Buy a Suit: Must Follow this Rule

When Buy a Suit: Must Follow this Rule - VJV Now

Are you in the market for a new suit? Shopping for a new suit can be a daunting process, especially if you're not used to wearing them. With so many different colors, styles, fabrics and designs available, how do you know which one to choose? Many men make the mistake of buying the cheapest suit they can find, only to realize later that this was a poor decision.

Sure, you can probably save a couple bucks by opting for a cheap suit, but this isn't something that you should try to cut corners and save money with. On the other hand, though, price isn't always indicative of quality, meaning an expensive suit may not necessarily be the better choice. For some essential rules on how to choose the right men's suit, keep reading.


Rule #1 Avoid Off-the-Rack Suits

The first rule of buying a suit is to avoid off-the-racks. We've talked about this before on our blog, but in case you missed it, an off-the-rack suit is a suit that's made and sold without any tailoring or customizations (hence the name). You might get lucky and find an off-the-rack suit that fits just right, but this rarely happens. A better approach is to buy either a bespoke or made-to-measure suit, both of which are customized according to your own measurements.

Rule #2 Choose Fabric by Season

What does this mean exactly? Well, you should choose your suit fabric based on the season during which you'll wear it. Men's suits are made in many different fabrics, some of which include cotton linen, wool, and tweet. Each of these fabrics has its own unique characteristics, so it's important to choose the right fabric for your suit.

Cotton and linen suits, for instance, are lighter and more breathable, making them the preferred choice for the otherwise warm summer and spring months. But if you plan on wearing your new suit during the fall and winter months, perhaps you should choose a thicker, warmer fabric like wool.

Rule #3 Check the Shoulders

One of the biggest mistakes that guys make when choosing a suit is choosing one with oversized shoulders. You can always tell if a suit is too big by looking at the shoulders. A properly fitted suit should contour to your shoulders, sitting flat without bunching up. If you can see excess fabric sticking up from your shoulders, however, the suit is too big. There are two ways to resolve this problem: you can either have your suit tailored, or you can buy a different (smaller) suit.

Rule #4 Check the Length

Of course, the shoulders are only one element that should be considered when choosing a new suit. You should also look at the overall length. Where does the suit fabric stop? Whether it's a suit jacket, blazer or sports coat, you should pay close attention to the overall length. Ideally, it should stop right around (or slightly past) your waistline. You should avoid wearing a jacket, coat or blazer that's longer, as it creates a messy look that does your appearance no justice. 

Rule #5 Match Your Trousers and Jacket

Normally, when you buy a suit the trousers and jacket or coat are included. And if this is the case, they'll probably feature the same fabric and color/design. But if you buy your jacket and trousers separately -- as some men do -- they may feature different colors and designs.

Don't make the mistake of choosing a suit jacket that's a different color and/or design than your trousers. This is a major fashion faux pas that should be avoided at all costs. If you plan on buying your trousers and jacket separately, make sure they are the same color and fabric. Remember, the entire point of wearing a suit is to create a formal, cohesive appearance -- and this cannot happen unless your trousers match your jacket.

Rule #6 Buy from a Reputable Vendor

Wouldn't be it great if your could trust everyone with whom you came into contact? Well, this isn't the case, as many individuals and companies are eager to make a quick buck. As such, it's important to shop for suits from a reputable, trusted vendor like VJVNOW. We've been in the business of selling custom suits for quite some time, so it's safe to say we know a thing or two about the business. By choosing VJVNOW, you can rest assured knowing that you are getting only the highest quality suit at the very best price.

Rule #7 When in Doubt, Go Slim

There's been a growing trend in recent years towards slim-fit suits. A slim-fit suit, as the name suggests, is a men's suit that's made with a slimmer design. They typically feature a more "snug" fit, along with less fabric. Wearing a slim-fit suit offers several benefits, one of which is the appearance of a slimmer figure. Because they fit more snugly against the body, they create the impression of a slimmer figure.

Slim-fit suits are also less prone to wrinkling. This doesn't necessarily mean that they are immune to wrinkling. Rather, slim-fit suits are less likely to wrinkle than traditional, non-slim-fit suits. This alone is reason enough to choose a slim-fit suit, especially for men who prefer not to iron their suits.

Rule #8 Don't Forget the Necktie

No suit is complete without a matching necktie. So when buying a new suit, go ahead and look for an appropriate tie. You may already have some neckties in your wardrobe, in which case you can check to see if one matches your new suit. But if you don't have any neckties, or if you don't have any that match, you should go ahead and buy a new one.

Consider the color of your suit when choosing a necktie. The two colors don't have to necessarily match, but they should flow together in a cohesive manner. If your suit is black, for instance, you don't want to choose a brown necktie. Rather, a blue necktie would probably be the better choice.



What is the difference between bespoke and made-to-measure suits?
Bespoke suits are fully customized and handcrafted from scratch, while made-to-measure suits are tailored from pre-existing patterns based on your measurements.
How do I determine the right fit for a suit?
Ensure the suit contours to your shoulders without excess fabric, fits snugly at the waist, and the trousers break just above the shoes.
Which fabrics are best for summer suits?
Cotton and linen are ideal for summer suits due to their light and breathable nature.
Can I wear a wool suit in the summer?
Wool suits are better suited for colder months, but lightweight wool can be worn in milder summer conditions.
How do I care for my suit to ensure longevity?
Regular dry cleaning, proper storage, and avoiding over-wearing are key to maintaining your suit’s quality.
What are the benefits of a slim-fit suit?
Slim-fit suits offer a more tailored look, make you appear slimmer, and are less prone to wrinkling.
How do I choose the right tie for my suit?
Choose a tie that complements the suit's color without clashing. A contrasting yet harmonious color usually works best.
Is it worth investing in a more expensive suit?
Yes, a higher quality suit often offers better fit, fabric, and durability, making it a worthwhile investment.
What should I look for in a reputable suit vendor?
Look for vendors with a good reputation, positive reviews, and a history of quality craftsmanship.
Can I wear a suit jacket with different trousers?
For a cohesive formal look, the jacket and trousers should match in color and fabric.