VJV NOW is an online shopping platform for customers who want to buy products which are famous and authentic to various parts of India. The website is also aimed to provide a platform to designers and manufacturers to showcase these products to the rapidly increasing group of online shopping customers.
The website is built around the fact that as a country India is so vast that every area has a special art form famous from there. And when we say that, we don't mean that they need to be traditional in an old fashioned way. Various artisans and designers are now getting these old techniques out with contemporary designs and styles. And thats the group we want to have on board.
Please write to us info@vjvnow.com along with
1. Short description of your collection
2. Pictures of a few of your products - after all a picture is worth a thousand words!
We would be glad to run you though the various models under which we can have your collection on board VJV NOW.